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Tapping, and what it is 🌟

Tapping, what is it? How is it helping millions of people around the world?

How can you harness the power of tapping?

Tapping is painless and easy for anyone to do. It can help with stress, anxiety, insomnia and PTSD. The great thing about tapping, is you can do it whenever you want to and take it wherever you go. The power to heal is literally in your own hands.

Are you ready to learn? Let’s dive in!

The basic tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative memory, fear, stress or anything that's bothering you. Even if you are just simply feeling a little 'riled up', a quick tapping meditation can help to settle you back to a more centered state.

Using your fingertips tap 5-7 times on each of the designated zones while concentrating on resolving the negative emotion, restoring your body to a more balanced state. Follow along in the following sequence with the appropriate technique - but feel free to adapt your technique as you need.

Tap Zones & Technique:

Pinky sides of the hands (karate chop)

Inner eyebrows (finger tips)

Temples (finger tips)

Under the eyes (finger tips)

Under the nose (finger tips)

Middle of the chin (finger tips)

Collar bone (finger tips)

Ribs under the arms (finger tips or palm)

Finish off at the very top of the head (finger tips)

Tapping sends signals to the stress centers of the brain. When the body is triggered in a negative manner, it is flooded with cortisol otherwise known as the “stress hormone.”

Tapping can help balances brain activity and reduces the levels of cortisol released in the body. Play around and have fun, adjust techniques if needed - but keep the sequence for best results!

We hope this helps. ✨

Stay tuned for a live demo!

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