Why Use Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a time tested and widely used therapy that acts as a natural analgesic, improves circulation, calms the nervous system, and restores function to tissue. Acupuncture can help you get out of pain and work with a wide variety of internal conditions such as fertility, allergies, gastro-Intestinal disorders.
As a leader and top-rated Acupuncturist in Venice Beach, Sage Point Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine specializes in difficult to treat, chronic conditions. If you are tired of living life in pain, Acupuncture can help! Whether it's the numbness and tingling from your Peripheral Neuropathy, the painful burning sensation that accompanies sciatica, or the unbearable swelling and stiffness of your joints from arthritis, we are here to help you live a life free from pain.
Our staff are highly trained and all share the goal of providing you with pain relieving treatments so you can get back to living life pain free.